Saturday, July 17, 2010

Untethered. Or, leaving all your stuff behind.

Living on a boat is a fairly simple way of life. There are, by sheer constraints of size, limits to what you can own, collect, stash away. That being said, cruising on a boat is a different way of life. You must take everything with you. And you must be able to secure your various items so they don't disappear when a wave hits you unexpectedly or hit you in the head after flying across the cabin.
The task of winnowing and securing is the one we have been tackling the last few days. The surfboards have been moved onto the boat and given a nice strappy resting place. SCUBA tanks, jerry cans for diesel, and many spare engine and mechanical parts have been moved aboard and found their places tucked away. Chris designed a nifty little wooden contraption to stabilize our new propane tanks to the mast. The deck and cockpit of the Liberté, which have always seemed spacious, are getting crowded. Our boat looks like the self-sufficient vessel she needs to be.
On the way out are winter clothes, books and cds, art supplies and some of my less important girly things, like a curling iron. I sold my bike - it was kind of sad.
Things, possessions have never been all that important to me, but it is never easy to choose the things to carry with you and those to leave behind. Some have memories attached, good times and good lessons. Gifts from loved ones, super finds at thrift stores. Letting go is a decision, but it's never an easy one. Well, sometimes it is - does anybody want a DiscMan?

1 comment:

  1. Heelloo Amanda and Chris! Have you finally set sail? Safe safe safe travels to you as you make your way HOME! ;) Amanda, i'm sorry you sold your bike..;( BUT i can get you a GREAT deal on another one when you get back! Promise! Chris too if he wants. I live above a spectacular bike shop (it's also the one that we ride for) Look forward to following you guys through your blog and most importantly HAVE FUN BE SAFE!
    Christina :)
