Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So much to relay, where do I begin?

I am like a little kid coming home from the first day of school, breathless to tell of the many wonders that have been encountered. Cubbies! Giant pink erasers! My name printed on my desk before I even got there!
Only mine would go a little like this - Moonlight sailing! Dolphin armies! Little island foxes! Friends so amazing and generous that I can't believe they are actually mine! And so forth.

But, as is starting to seem like the usual, we are on the way to do more! I need to start writing when we're underway, and I actually have time. So that's a new goal.

Quick update, though: we are in San Diego, after a two-week Catalina Island hop. We have many errands to do before they will let us into Mexico. It's like taking off all over again, except nobody here will be sad when we leave. Chris's parents will be here tomorrow for a visit and we shall all be tourists (an important distinction from cruiser, I'm sure. Somehow.) for a week. I'm definitely gonna get a trashy novel and park myself on the beach for at least a couple of hours. Maybe with a coozie and a beer.

Chris writing here - A little note about Robert Ray LaClair, who is a caring, kind and somewhat stoic father, when we last spoke about this trip he commented "I never really have much fun on vacation." Hmmmmm...well, what shall we do then? I guess riding the mechanical bull is out of the question. A funnel cake and some putt-putt, no way. On my parents first trip out west to visit, while brainstorming things to do in San Francisco I mentioned a comedy club, my father's response..."I don't really like to laugh." We all laughed so hard there was no need for a night with Carrot Top.

My only question: is there ever a need for night with Carrot Top? I say no. Forgive us the meandering post, will be back to clear, concise and readable prose asap.

In the meantime, here's some photos of the last few weeks...

1 comment:

  1. I agree, there is never a need for a night with Carrot Top (or Craig Robinson for that matter). :)
    If you guys want someone to come stand at the dock and be sad as you leave for Mexico, I can make a quick road trip.

    Love the sweet kelp forest and snorkel trinity pics!

    Have fun with the vacation lovers! Haha.
